
try using the 'printtool' package

(unfortunately the printer autoconfiguration is broken in Woody
- my fault- so you may wish to get the packages that are in unstable
or in  http://tonelli.sns.it/pub/GNULpr

On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 11:51:39AM -0600, Clare Jarvis wrote:
> Does anybody use their printers using the command 'lpr'   or 'lpd'?
> I am using woody and cannot get printer output using these commands even
> though the printers show up as available and ready lusing the 'lptat -t'
> command.  Everytime I print to the printers the message 'Unknown printer"
> is displayed to stderr.
> Clare Jarvis

Andrea Mennucc
 "E' un mondo difficile. Che vita intensa!" (Tonino Carotone)

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