Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 02:58:11PM +0100, pp wrote:
> > if  $mysqlcmd -D mysql -e 'use midgard;' >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
> > 
> >         db_input "high" midgard/error
> db_input can return with exit code 30 if the question is skipped. In
> that case, your postinst will fail.

well..... how it is skipped if I do not want to ask it again?

if something 
        db_input "high"  smt/error
        db_input "high" smt/yesorno

so if something is true , the question should not be asked, right?
what should I do that way?

if something 
        db_input "high" smt/yesorno false
        db_input "high"  smt/error


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