On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 08:29:44AM -0800, Grant Bowman wrote:

> After reading the content of this bug, I'm curious which rules would be
> broken by moving the necessary libraries to /lib from /usr/lib.  I can
> understand why you have moved this bug to "won't fix" but without some
> kind of solution users who use NSS special lookups like LDAP will always
> have problems with the /usr filesystem mounting.

> Is the right solution for all NSS libnss-* packages to not be in /usr
> due to these kinds of conflicts?  Would static linking of NSS
> dependencies break rules as well?  Should a new rule be made for basic
> system naming setup?

What information are you trying to store in LDAP that is so essential to
the system prior to mounting of /usr?

It is entirely valid for /usr to be located on a network share (NFS), so
you're not really guaranteed to be able to access your LDAP server (which
obviously isn't running locally either, with no /usr) until about the
same time as /usr is mounted.  If you have records that are needed by the
system prior to mounting of /usr, these ought to be stored in a local
database backend such as /etc/passwd.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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