On Sun, Nov 17, 2002 at 05:10:13AM +0000, Andrew Suffield wrote:
 SL>>> I imagine python stores everything in /usr/lib, again as a
 SL>>> practical concession to the fact that upstream installation
 SL>>> directories don't make it easy to use separate paths for
 SL>>> arch-independent and arch-dependent objects.
 DB>> Doesn't apply to Ruby.
 AS> "Ruby sucks". Ignore it. Arch-indep to share, arch-dep to lib,
 AS> screw everything else.

That didn't convince me, neither in "Ruby sucks" part (all my packages
in Debian except Alicq are Ruby libraries :), nor in "arch-indep to
share" part: aside from common sense "lib is for libraries", in another
sub-thread it was already mentioned that even interpreted libraries are
not always "arch-indep".

Dmitry Borodaenko

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