I have a bug report against php-gtk:


The error occured when a new version of php was uploaded to unstable.
The error is:

Warning:  php-gtk: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with debug=0, thread-safety=0 module API=20020429
PHP compiled with debug=0, thread-safety=0 module API=20010901
These options need to match

I used in my postinst this:

mkdir -p `/usr/bin/php-config --extension-dir`
cp /tmp/php_gtk.so `/usr/bin/php-config --extension-dir`

and I know the problem is here cause it works until
the next php (and so new zendapi) package is uploaded.

Gaetano Paolone GnuPG:69A5 548C 4145 1116 8CA9  2CB5 9448 3FA3 54DB 33D3
  Debian developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Home: http://www.bigpaul.org
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