Hi Mike,

Mike Schacht wrote:
> Package location: 
>       www.midstatesd.net/~mschacht/debian/kdirstat_2.0.1*
>  KDirStat (KDE Directory Statistics) is a small utility program that
>  sums up disk usage for direcory trees, very much like the Unix 'du'
>  command.  It displays the disk space used up by a directory tree, both
>  numerically and graphically. It is network transparent (i.e., you can
>  use it to sum up FTP servers), and comes with predefined and user
>  configurable cleanup actions. You can directly open a directory branch
>  in Konqueror or the shell of your choice, compress it to a .tar.bz2
>  archive, or define your own cleanup actions.
Found a sponsor already?

If no, I can sponsor you.

Mail me back if you need one.



  .''`. Rene Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer             
 : :' : http://www.debian.org | http://people.debian.org/~rene/ 
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