Hi Dariush
On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 08:52:46PM +0100, Dariush Pietrzak wrote:
> Hello, 
> I am supposed to upload mplayer to debian, however there is quite a lagg
>  between me and my sponsor (Andrea Mennucc), and some problems with

yes, it seems that sometimes the e-mail you send me or e-mail I send
you get lost; indeed I haven't heard from you for quite a long time.

>  transferring larger files to him ( i.e. media packages that will follow
>  mplayer package - mplayer-fonts and mplayer-skins, are quite large and
>  it sometimes takes some time until we synchronize our versions ).

I just found out, a few days ago, that the new mail server in this
institution will silently drop e-mails that exceed a built-in limit;
if you have sent me big files in the last 4 months and I never got back,
it means we have to find another way. Example solutions:
1) split the big files using the 'split' command and send me the
 pieces. Example for sending aa.tar.gz :
  $ split -b 200k aa.tar.gz aa.tar.gz.pieces.
  $ for i in aa.tar.gz.pieces.* ; do echo $i | mutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] -a  $i  ; 
  $ rm aa.tar.gz.pieces.*
  If you don't have mutt you can use
  $ for i in aa.tar.gz.pieces.* ; do uuencode $i $i | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
; done
2) You should upload your public gpg key
 to a gpg server, and send me a copy; then I will send you crypted info
 on how you can send me very large files (basically, I will create you
 an account you can rsync to).

Actually, you should send me a public gpg key nonetheless, and sign
any package that you wish that I send into Debian

> Until now I've been preparing pure-gpl version of mplayer as advised by
>  debian-legal, and that version have been sent to Andrea. Now that divx4
>  problem have been resolved, I can drop that tree and send the real
>  thing;)

I would love to try it; the version you sent to me in april crashed on
some divx files

> So I figured that I'd speed up my entrance into Debian,...

you should absolutely try to get into Debian anyway; this will give
you direct control on the forthcoming mplayer packages.

see you soon


Andrea Mennucc
 "E' un mondo difficile. Che vita intensa!" (Tonino Carotone)

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