Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> immo vero scripsit: > On one hand I have the example of avifile-player version, > which depends on libavifile0 version 0.7. OTOH, we have aspell version > > which depends on libaspell10 version 0.33.7
The interface number of a shared library should usually be distinct from the version number of the package itself, since interface usually does not correspond to package versions. Interface do change with minor version upgrades, in which case interface number should be updated, and even with major version upgrades, interface compatibility can be kept, which means interface number does not need to change. avifile-player probably ignores that part, or changes the library version number on every release, or whatever. -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Junichi Uekawa GPG Fingerprint : 17D6 120E 4455 1832 9423 7447 3059 BF92 CD37 56F4 Libpkg-guide: