>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Brian> Joerg Jaspert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >>> Also if he finally refuses this, should I repackage >>> orig.tar.gz without CVS dirs or should I leave them, as he has >>> asked, in order to let also debian people to try his >>> "debugging method" (of course after an apt-get source, at >>> least...). [...] Brian> His "debugging method" may not build the package correctly, [...] Perhaps an alternative suggestion could be told to the upstram author: put in file foo.c const char foo_ident[] = "$Id$"; in file bar.c const char bar_ident[] = "$Id$"; in file header.h #define HEADER_IDENT "$Id$" and have the main file (or even a specially generated one) doing void say_version(void) { printf("XXX utility release 3.14: detailed version id\n" "header: %s\n" "foo: %s\n" "bar: %s\n" ""\n, HEADER_IDENT, foo_ident, bar_ident); } /*end of say_version*/ actually, one could even generate the version.c file containing above function say_version, with additional stuff like build date, build system version, etc... This is just a matter of a fancy Makefile rule For what it is worth, I think that one of PRCS (an opensource version manager, a bit like RCS ou CVS) significant strengths is it handling of keywords -and also the $Format$ utility- and the fact that all files are versionned at once. Sorry for being a little bit off topic. Regards. -- Basile STARYNKEVITCH http://starynkevitch.net/Basile/ email: basile<at>starynkevitch<dot>net alias: basile<at>tunes<dot>org 8, rue de la Faïencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France