Hi Doug

On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 16:42, Douglas Hoen wrote:
> I want to downgrade an arbitrary set of packages to lower versions, en
> masse _without manual intervention_. I have a repository containing a
> complete set of packages that I want to install onto any system,  
> forcing downgrades if necessary. (All dependent packages are contained
> in the repository.) 
> Is there some way to do this? For instance, is there some way to 
> instruct the policy engine when doing a dist-upgrade to perform 
> automatic downgrades of particular packages by using pin priorities?

I'm not really sure I understand your situation, but if your packages
are in a directory you could use
dpkg -i $(ls <packages-dir>)
The --force-downgrade option of dpkg is on by default, so you shouldn't
need to set it.



 Leo Costela
 Public Key: http://wallsplash.net/leo/pubkey.asc
 "you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a

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