On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 09:10:21AM +0200, Carlo Contavalli wrote:
>    I was seeking for some opinions... I'm working now on a 
> package that relies on a script that may be modified by the system
> administrator, and I'm wondering about:
>   - how to manage upgrades (overwrites & co.)
>   - where to put it
>   This script works well with a default debian installtion but
> should really be modified on any other system. It would be called by
> an authentication module run by courier pop3/imap server, and
> it would perform administrative tasks. postinst and co. wouldn't
> touch this script (an administrator should manually modify it).
>   The most logical place to me to put this script was /usr/sbin,
> and to let dpkg manage it as a conffile. However, this is quite
> against the debian policy. There are many good solutions,
> and I'd like to know what you would do...

you could put the code in /usr/sbin, and a configuration file in /etc.
the main script could then source the config file, which, if it is
marked as a conffile, will be handled correctly by dpkg.

this is of course assuming the script is a shell script. but the same
could be done with python, perl, etc.


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