On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 07:10:33PM -0400, Stephen Gran wrote:
> I'll just look around for something else to package up and go with that.
> If somebody still wants to look at my packaging of the program, though,
> and offer criticism (which I know it needs) I would appreciate it.  If
> you missed the OP, packages are at http://www.lobefin.net/~steve/debian/

I issued an ITP yesterday (I missed this thread). 
Please send a follow up to #162009 in order to keep track of this.
I'll look in your sources. KDE migration is a known issue for sarge,
but current problems with gcc 3.2 dealyed that migration.
Moreover, kover cannot edit CD labels, but only booklets for what can I
see. The only program with the same functionalities is
cd-circleprint - which is not a KDE program.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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