On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 10:01:43AM -0500, Mike Schacht wrote:
> Thanks for the response.
> > Right now there are 2 resources to work with: the web page you mention
> > in your mail and d-mentors to request sponsors.

> > On the other hand you might want to become a developer yourself and
> > colaborate maintaining your packages for the common good.

> In that case I am a bit confused. Maybe I am not using the vocabulary
> correctly. I thought getting a sponsor was one part of the necessary
> preparation required for applying to be a developer, which I am
> interested in and willing to do. Do people have sponsors without
> intending to become developers? What it the point of that? Should I
> consider doing that while waiting to be approved as an official
> developer?

The NM process takes several months to complete, and there's a waiting
list to even get into it.  Being actively involved in the Debian
development process is considered a prerequisite for applying to become a

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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