I would like to be a full-blown Debian Developer, and therefore I need an advocate. I maintain the following packages (see http://www.diku.dk/~jpsecher/debian.html)
changetrack libfile-ncopy-perl sml-mode buddy mosml (nonfree) mosml-libs muddy mgtk of which the first three are already in the pool, kindly sponsored by Andras Bali and Colin Walters. My short-term plans are to get mosml (a compiler) out of nonfree, adopting package haskell-doc and packaging ifile (a mail filter using statistical methods). If you have any questions, please write me. If you would like to mentor/advocate me, I would be very grateful. -- Jens Peter Secher _____________________________________________________________________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.diku.dk/~jpsecher - (+45) 35 32 14 08 _OpenPGP fingerprint DD6A 05B0 174E BFB2 D4D9 B52E 0EE5 978A FE63 E8A1_ --> http://randomfoo.net/oscon/2002/lessig/free.html <--