On Wed, 2002-08-07 at 21:01, John Belmonte wrote:

> Thanks, I appreciate it.

I didn't find any problems in your packages; they look good.

> OK, I've sent an email off to the maintainer.

I think a week or so should be fair.

> That's understandable.  About three weeks ago I tried to contact the
> person on the keysigning offers page, but got no reply.  It's odd to
> have your name on the offers list, yet be too busy to reply to an email.
> ~ I have my name on the "looking for" page.

Hm.  Well, maybe you could try again...according to our developer
tracker he was last seen on -devel-changes on Aug 5, so maybe he just
missed your mail for some reason.

How do you plan to get your key signed for applying to the project?

Incidentally (and this is more a question for upstream, but maybe you
know), how hard would it be to make this library work with GNUTLS?  See,
I might want to use it with a GPL'd application, and of course since
libxmlsec links with OpenSSL this won't work.

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