On Sat, Jun 22, 2002 at 07:08:00PM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there some canonical fast way to check in a script whether inn,
> inn2 or cnews is installed on the system?

What dpkg does is parsing /var/lib/dpkg/status.
I recommend using dpkg - its error prone to rely on an implicit data
format of the status file.

If you look in the file, there is a paragraph for each package. What you
want is searching the Packages: line, then search its Status: line and
see if its last entry is "installed".
You could use awk to do this (replace <package> with your package name).

Greetings, Bastian

if awk -f test.awk /var/lib/dpkg/status; then
  echo "installed";
  echo "not installed";

/^Package: / { found = ($2=="<package>"); }
/^Status: / {
  if (found) exit ($4!="installed");
END { if (!found) exit 1; }

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