
I made a package for the People in Austria wich are using PPtP ADSL, with the 
required Bootscript and a large documentation...

First: Could anyone of you who is living in Austria and using ADSL test it 

Second: How can I add it to Debian testing/unstable?
I tested these Scripts for arround one year, and they are working very well 
and are stable.

You can download the Package from my server:

(It's my first deb package :-)


--> Martin Eitzenberger - PSIplus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
--> ICQ... 57749465 
--> Site... www.psiplus.org 
--> Board... www.netphoenix.at 
--> GnuPG Public Key... www.netphoenix.at/0/?loc=11

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