On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 11:50:42AM -0500, Ari Pollak wrote: > I'm the maintainer of the xmms-cdread Debian package, and I just got the > following bug report. It gives me absolutely no useful information, and I > haven't the slightest idea where to even begin tracking down the bug. I > really don't think this should even be a grave bug, since the package > seems to work for the majority of people. > Any ideas? Should I even keep this bug open or just downgrade it to > normal?
First, downgrade the bug to normal. If it only makes the package unusable for the submitter, and not for others, then it isn't justifiably grave. Ask the user for more information from the user to turn the bug report into a more useful one. strace output is sometimes helpful. Since the code in question is in a shared object, you can sometimes get useful information from a gdb backtrace; this will at least tell which function the crash occurred in. Given that the user is running a nonstandard kernel, you might ask them to try with Debian's 2.4.18 kernel. If none of that helps, you may want to have the user build xmms-cdread (and possibly xmms) with debugging symbols, and run it under gdb to get a full stack trace. -- - mdz