#include <hallo.h>
Ian Duggan wrote on Wed Mar 13, 2002 um 04:07:46PM:

> When packaging kernel patches, should the patches be against the debian
> kernel sources or the stock kernels? I have several patches I'm

Idealy against the Debian kernel sources.

> packaging for the stock kernels. It would be a lot of work to pull down
> all the various debian kernels and modify the patches for them.

Nope. Patches against stock kernels are either completely compatible
with Xu's source or need very few modifications (just patch, fix
fuzzyness and diff-it again). If you are going to make patch packages
for -AC or other forked kernel developments, please DO NOT do this.
People that need them, can get them from the net.

Merkt euch, wenn Recht zu Unrecht wird, 
wird der Widerstand zur Pflicht

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