On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 08:24:49PM +0100, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> Yes.  You should also try to find a sponsor.  This mailing list is
> a good place for this.  If you say which package it is you're
> interesting in, someone might want to sponsor you.
It's dtmfdial.  I took a look through the wnpp bug reports and looked at
orphaned and RFA'd packages, but most of them I either didn't use or
thought would be too complicated as a first package.  I hadn't used
dtmfdial before, but it's a nifty little program and simple enough that
I'm sure I could fix a bug if one were reported (I know the basics of C
and that's most of what I know about it).

As for a signature, if I have problems finding a current developer in my
area (Philadelphia, hint hint), there's a member of the local LUG that's
very close to getting approval from the DAM.

So... would anyone be willing to sponsor/advocate me?

Bill Jonas    *    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    *    http://www.billjonas.com/

Developer/SysAdmin for hire!   See http://www.billjonas.com/resume.html

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