On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 11:42:40AM -0500, Robert Clay wrote:
> Warren,
> >>> Warren Turkal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/17/02 04:19PM >>>
> >Are you trying to take a precompiled program (like distributed-net) and 
> >package it for use ....
> I've been meaning to ask about that;   how does one go about doing
> that?   There's a program I use that currently only comes as a
> pre-compiled package;   it has several binaries & also has
> subdirectories of other files it depends on...   (I install it off of
> the /opt directory...)

Building a debian package roughly consists of extracting original source
archive, applying debian patch, compiling, copying resulting files into
hierarchy under debian subdir then turning these file hierarchies (and
some other info) into packages.

Precompiled stuff just leaves out the compiling step since the binaries
are already in the "source" archive.  It's somewhat similar to
Architecture: all packages which usually don't have to compile/process
either, except that it's arch-specific.

Oh, and avoid /opt for Debian packages.

> What I'd like to do is to at least create a installer package for
> debian systems;  so that it can be used to satisfy dependancies, for
> instance...   I've seen an example of something like that;  the debian
> package assumed that the archive of what was being installed was in
> /tmp...    Is that the way to do it?   Or are there better ways of
> doing it?

The installer packages I used usually asked me where the downloaded
archive is or alternatively offered to download it themselves.  You'd
need to interact with the admin anyway, you can't just assume something
is somewhere without at least notifying the admin that it has to be

Andreas Bombe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    DSA key 0x04880A44

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