Thom May consulted the pineal gland, and spoketh: > you need to: > (b) read the new maintainers documents - >
done. > debian who has worked with you, and apply at also done (applying); i imagine i'll need a sponsor before i can find a full-fledged advisor :). > (a) find some one to sponsor the package into debian. so here we are. i've added myself to the sponsor-request page, but as it seems there's a bit of languish there, i hope it's not considered spamming that i now notify this list. i am in need of a sponsor for ssldump, a valuable tool for sniffing and interpreting ssl/tls traffic and their ASN.1-encoded fields. it is available via apt from: deb debian/ deb-src debian/ also contains explicit links to gpg-signed material, and information re: obtaining my gpg key. testers and (hopefully) a sponsor are very much appreciated; i shall not blast this list again regarding sponsorship. -- nicholas black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>