
I (for the first time) adopted a pacakage (radvd). I uploaded a new
version with a changed 'Maintainer:' field, and am now listed as
maintainer for that package. However, the bugs I closed in the
changelog are 'fixed' not 'closed' and are listed as 'fixed in NMU' in
the BTS. Have I missed something?

Andreas Rottmann         | [EMAIL PROTECTED]        | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
Georg-Rendlweg 28        | A-5111 Bürmoos | Austria       | Europe
http://www.8ung.at/rotty | GnuPG Key: http://www.8ung.at/rotty/gpg.asc
Fingerprint              | DFB4 4EB4 78A4 5EEE 6219  F228 F92F CFC5 01FD 5B62

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