On Fri, 18 Jan 2002 23:21:23 +0900, Junichi Uekawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Oohara Yuuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cum veritate scripsit: > > debian/rules says: > > | # to compile with debugging information: > > | # $ debuild -e DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug,nostrip" > > | # (this won't work: > > | # DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug,nostrip" && debuild) > > Note the word "won't". > That won't work, because it is syntactically incorrect, > and also this is not a place to document how to write > bash command lone. I cut and pasted
debuild -e DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug,nostrip" and it worked. I can't see why this is syntactically incorrect. "Delete 4 lines of comments in debian/rules" is a wishlist bug. Anyway, I have already deleted them. > Can you just make the patch smaller with > > -fatal(mes) > +int fatal(mes) > > which looks much better. done > > > o Why are you building the binary with -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer? > > I like optimization, but I don't know it well. Can you tell me > > a better option? > Usually Anything more than -O2 has problems on some > architectures, and it is not advisable to use anything more than > -O2 unless you know what you are doing. s/-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer/-O2/ done > > > o are you sending the mods to the upstream ? / have you > > > contacted the upstream ? > > Not yet. > > Please do. done -- Oohara Yuuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Graduate-school of Science, Kyoto University PGP key (key ID F464A695) http://www.interq.or.jp/libra/oohara/pub-key.txt Key fingerprint = 6142 8D07 9C5B 159B C170 1F4A 40D6 F42E F464 A695 I always put away what I take. --- Ryuji Akai, "Star away"