Hi, I am going to package odontolinux. This is a management software for dental offices. I am also the author of the software itself. Odontolinux is written in PHP4 and uses PostgreSQL as dbms. It is a non-US package because of PostgreSQL. I looked for similar packages in debian sources... but I found different ways of managing databases. PHP files are not a problem since they go in /var/www/dir with a simple copy command :-) The problem is the database. I used somethting from barracuda, something from mantis, something from beancounter. But since I would like not to make very big mistakes, I'd like to hear from you. Here are my files:
preinst postinst makedb.sh (which is invoked by postinst) prerm I did not put gestionestudio.dump while is the empty PostgreSQL dump of the database. I am sorry for the lenght of this mail. ****************** begin preinst ******************* #!/bin/bash # Pre-installation script for odontolinux debian package grep -s -q '^gestionestudio:' /etc/group || ( echo "Adding gestionestudio group" groupadd gestionestudio grep '^gestionestudio:' /etc/group) grep -s -q '^gestionestudio:' /etc/passwd || ( echo "Adding gestionestudio user" useradd -c "Odontolinux superuser" -d /home/gestionestudio -g gestionestudio -s /bin/bash gestionestudio grep '^gestionestudio:' /etc/passwd) #DEBHELPER# ****************** end preinst ******************* ****************** begin postinst ******************* #!/bin/bash if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then if [ -d /usr/doc -a ! -e /usr/doc/odontolinux -a -d /usr/share/doc/odontolinux ]; then ln -sf ../share/doc/odontolinux /usr/doc/odontolinux fi fi export PGUSER=postgres /usr/share/odontolinux/makedb.sh #DEBHELPER# ****************** end postinst ******************* ****************** begin makedb.sh ******************* #!/bin/bash #set -e export SHAREDIR=/usr/share/odontolinux export TMPDIR=/var/tmp/odontolinux export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/postgresql/bin mkdir -p $TMPDIR if psql -ltq |grep 'gestionestudio' then echo "Database exists." else echo "Database does not exists, creating it." createdb gestionestudio echo "Creating postgres users..." userid=`psql -qt -d gestionestudio -c " DELETE FROM pg_shadow where usename ~ '^gestionestudio_' ; DELETE FROM pg_group where groname ~ '^gestionestudio_'; create user gestionestudio createuser;"` echo "Creating the database..." psql -t -d gestionestudio <$SHAREDIR/gestionestudio.dump 2>&1 |tee $TMPDIR/makedb.out | grep ERR if grep -sq ERR $TMPDIR/makedb.out then echo -n "Do you want to examine the error file ($TMPDIR/makedb.out) (y/N) ? " read ANS if [ -z "$ANS" -o "$ANS" = "N" -o "$ANS" = "n" ]; then rm -f $TMPDIR/makedb.out echo "$TMPDIR/makedb.out has been removed." else cat $TMPDIR/makedb.out fi else rm -f $TMPDIR/makedb.out fi rmdir $TMPDIR fi echo "Done." echo "Do not forget to check if /etc/postgresql/pg_hba conf contains" echo "the following line:" echo "host all trust" ****************** end makedb.sh ******************* ****************** begin prerm ******************* #!/bin/bash PGPATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/bin export PATH=$PATH:$PGPATH export PGUSER=postgres echo -n "Do you want to DESTROY the Odontolinux database [y/N] ? " read YN if [ "$YN" = "Y" -o "$YN" = "y" ] then echo "Destroying Odontolinux! database..." if psql -ltq | grep 'gestionestudio' then psql -qt -d gestionestudio -c "DELETE FROM pg_shadow where usename = 'gestionestudio';" dropdb gestionestudio rm -rf ~gestionestudio echo "Deleting gestionestudio user..." userdel gestionestudio else echo "Database does not exist or other error." fi fi #DEBHELPER# ****************** end prerm ******************* -- Gaetano Paolone GnuPG:69A5 548C 4145 1116 8CA9 2CB5 9448 3FA3 54DB 33D3 Debian developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Home: http://www.bigpaul.org http://www.linuxfaq.it: LDR Linux Domande e Risposte. http://www.gnutemberg.org - Linuxlinks: http://www.linuxlinks.it by robk