* =?iso-8859-1?Q?Dr. _G=FCnter_Bechly?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011225 10:59]: > on-topic and interesting to be not considered as spam on this list.
Note that he spamposted this to debian-user, devel, mentors, comp.lang.python, de.comp.lang.perl.misc, de.comp.lang.c, and de.comp.os.unix.linux.misc. -- Scott Dier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.ringworld.org/ ...one of the top CBS reporters here in the Twin Cities, came up to me and said, "Governor." Here was her question: "How do you respond to some people who say you're spending too much time on state security and not enough time on Major League Baseball and the Twins?" -Jesse Ventura, Salon interview 12.17.01 on why he thinks media are jackals and his partial justification for ignoring the 'baseball issue'.