Hello all,

SquirrelMail 1.2.0rc2 is currently in unstable... due to hit testing any time
now... when do packages need to make it into testing to be included in 3.0?
Is there a date set already? Will it just appear one day? Has it been and
gone? How will I know when it happens?


 - samj

Sam Johnston
Australian Online Solutions
1300 132 809

----- Forwarded message from Paul Joseph Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Subject: Getting SM 1.2 into Debian 3.0
From: "Paul Joseph Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Another question. When do we need to have SM 1.2.0 out in order to
get it into Debian 3.0?

            Paul Joseph Thompson
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

----- End forwarded message -----

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