(Crossposted d-devel intentionally. Replies to d-mentors only, please). GGI project released GGI 2.0. Debian is going woody. I would like to have a clean GGI in woody, but trouble with bugs and policy.
Libgii and libggi, the DYNAMIC duo, lived, more or less happily, for a long time without any static libs, secretly violating policy, sometimes having fun with it but mostly had they other problems. Now some nosy stepped on it and filed (forgetting gii): Bug#102675: libggi2-dev: should provide static archives Datum: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 13:14:33 +0200 Von: Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Package: libggi2-dev Version: 1: Severity: serious According to debian policy, section 11.2, the -dev package must contain a static library too, which libggi2-dev does not have. This breaks static compiling of mplayer for example, so I can't watch ascii pr0n on our server (I could, but I don't want to install a great bunch of packages just for this). So please, please, please fix it as soon as possible, I can't remain sane in this sorry situation.. Thanks, After some days of playing around and talking upstream i've come to the conclusion that - i would want to downgrade that bug anyhow and - keep up policy violation at least for another release + fixes. For some time now GGI packages in Debian haven't been in a good shape. I took over some of them from cbps, some should/will be. I'm not a debian-pro nor GGI-adept yet, each release still takes considerable time. But wait and see. I"ll have to leave again for work on sunday for two weeks, unknown connectivity ahead.. GGI is a highly dynamic environment, consisting mostly of plugins, .so's not registered as ordinary libraries. According to upstream only a few men have yet tried to statically link the interface lib's and no one is known that has returned from such undertaking (well, me, still bleeding - suffering Segmentation faults all along the way). The upcoming GGI release 2.0.1 (on sunday ?) provides a clean cut in the history of beta releases (in debian). I would build packages using the current structure, but as upstream has split libggimisc out of the main archive, either a local remerge or introduction of one additional source and propably two new binary packages would have to take place. These packages should go to woody: libgii, libggi, (libggimisc). After they are finished, there are: svgalib4libggi, libggidemos, xserver-ggi. (Upstream-) Status of those is unclear, but BTS alone promises some work. I will bug ftp.d-o for their removal short before woody actually freezes, shouldn't they be in shape 'til then. After all that, a rethinking and possible restructuring of the package layout will be next. I don't want to promise anything now, but as far as 'real world' let's me do so, my ongoing interest is that Debian, GGI and myself ;-) are looking good. Now i need your comments and suggestions. Thank you, greetings, martin