#include <hallo.h> Philipp Frauenfelder wrote on Tue Aug 21, 2001 um 01:38:35PM:
> I guess he wants to build a > foo > package and a > foo-i686 > package as it was done with libc6 some time ago. I guess too, but the foo-i686 would cause Grave-Bugs soon. But there is another issue: I considered to create a special optimisation branches for specific CPU types using the following concept: - Packages are recompiled with specific optimisations and get a version number like 0.5.1-4.athlon.1. - Optimised package are stored in a different, apt-able directory - All packages depend on so-called key package, ie. on "opt-athlon" - "opt-athlon" itself is not apt-able and must be installed by the user manually. Once installed, apt would fetch the optimised packages. - "opt-athlon" contain also a script, which allows the user to remove all optimised stuff. This is simple done by searching in apt's lists, removing the .athlon* extension from the version number and invoking apt-get install package=version package=version. I imagine something like: apt-get install `opt-downgrade --non-optimised` (and the script will insert the right version numbers). Does anyone mind if I start implementing this? Gruss/Regards, Eduard. -- Space Cadet wrote: > wird jetzt aus meinem 100%-WindowsNTkompatiblen, 100%-absturzsicheren > Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0 (ist übrigens auch Freeware) entfernt. So ein Glück aber auch. Spart den Eintrag im Killfile. (Jörg Fischer in dcoulh)