Hi all! I'm in the process of becoming a NM. In the meantime I'm working on a couple of packages.
There's a bug reported in one of them (see: http://bugs.debian.org/104476) that asks the sample config file which comes with the upstream distribution to be used as global config file. This config file is now in the examples directory of the package documentation. My questions are: 1) Isn't it better to leave the config file as an example and let the users decide whether they want it as global config file, user defined config file, or just an example to create their config files? (This file is not necessary to make the application work) 2) In case of using it as global config file, and since it's not a conffile today, wouldn't it overwrite /etc/multiCDrc in case it was created by the local admin? Thanks in advance for your help and comments. Cheers, Alberto -- Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta [EMAIL PROTECTED] Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death (Patrick Henry)