On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 01:06:20AM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> Argh.  Please send that information to [EMAIL PROTECTED], to help increase

I will, and for mine (104151) to :-)

> Make sure you investigate web server support and affected packages first.  The
> more information you provide, the better informed people will be about the
> proposal.

I've already do it to increase chance to have an answer before policy freeze.
I'm looking for second (104146). 

But my first question is : Is it allowed or not ?

> > This change may create some bugs against http server while currently all
> > package directly that install cgi under /usr/lib/cgi-lib work without
> > change the server configuration, I'm not sure this be easy to for 
> > subdirectory.
> I know that boa at least does not support this (#90601), but Apache certainly
> does, and I'm pretty sure that Roxen does as well.

I haven't to much time to look at this closer :-(

I think that we should have more than one httpd virtual kind.
There is some without cgi capability, and some with. And you point to me
there is other sub-category.

Rémi Perrot

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