I build the Package for mailfilter and need a sponsor now to get it into the Debian Archiv. (Don Kennedy started working on it, he also filed a bug against wnpp (#101152) but he cancelled working on it (one mailfilter package is enough :) ). I already asked one to act as a sponsor but he has to much to do, so i ask here now. Mailfilter is very flexible utility for UNIX (-like) operating systems to get rid of unwanted e-mail messages, before having to go through the trouble of downloading them to the local computer. It offers support for one or many POP3 accounts and is especially useful for dialup connections via modem, ISDN, etc. Install Mailfilter if you'd like to remove spam from your POP3 mail accounts. With Mailfilter you can define your own filters (rules) to determine which e-mails should be delivered and which are considered waste. Rules are Regular Expressions, so you can make use of familiar options from other mail delivery programs such as e.g. procmail. If you do not get your Mail from a POP3-Server you don't need Mailfilter. More Info about mailfilter is at http://mailfilter.sourceforge.net and my Debian-Package is at ftp://goliathbbs.dnsalias.net/debian/mailfilter - -- bye Joerg GPG-Keyid: 0x1120D31B Fingerprint: A3D2 83A4 535D A826 F2AA 4348 8BDD 849C 1120 D31B -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE7NvW1i92EnBEg0xsRAkGYAJ9AAWp3Wd2UU/qf4WwHKCiVWi4RggCfcn36 ZR44pj+krrHyJVQYDRn8kjs= =9Xie -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----