On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 10:49:35AM +0900, Junichi Uekawa wrote:
> Hello,
> Upstram of qtecasound has depricated libqtecasound,
> and the only application which depended upon libqtecasound (qtecasound, and 
> ecawave)
> no longer need the library.
> Would I need to make an empty package of libqtecasound to ensure
> it no longer exists, or do I make newer version of ecawave and qtecasound
> to Conflicts: with them, or do I just leave them there ? 

Since the only apps that used to depend on it, now no longer need it, file a
bug against ftp.d.o asking for libqtecasound to be removed from the
archives, and make new versions of qtecasound and evawave, that have
Conflicts: libqtecasound, to make sure it gets removed from systems as well.

:) d

Daniel Stone            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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