Hi everyone,

I've created Debian packages for 2 Ruby libraries: DBI 0.0.5 and NQXML
0.6.3 (I plan to package a couple more over the weekend). The packages
(plus source files etc) are available here:


They are lintian-clean and work properly AFAICT -- I'd appreciate any
comments, bug reports or advice.

I'm interested in becoming a Debian developer. As I understand it, I
need an advocate before I can begin the NM process. Would anyone like to
either sponsor these packages for inclusion in Debian, or become an
advocate for me so that I can become a developer myself?

I'll also need to get my GPG key (ID: DB3C29FC, uploaded to key servers)
signed by a Debian developer, so if anyone near Toronto, Canada has some
time to spare, I'd be very grateful if you could help me out.



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