
I've just upgraded one of my package's control files from 3.0.1 to 3.1.1 and
now I can't get the damn thing to build correctly.

The one problem I'm having is with the configuration file. I have the
following in conffiles:

------------< snip <------< snip <------< snip <------------
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/work/ixbiff-0.02b/debian$ cat conffiles
------------< snip <------< snip <------< snip <------------

However, if I run debstd, I get the following:

------------< snip <------< snip <------< snip <------------
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/work/ixbiff-0.02b$ debstd
------------- debstd processing for GNU/Linux --------------
-- Installing Documentation
-- Looking for manpages in sourcepackage
ixbiff.1 ixbiff.conf.5
** Main Package ixbiff
-- Adding /etc/init.d maintenance commands for ixbiff defaults 20
Warning: Configuration file /etc/ixbiff.conf not provided in binary package!
chown: debian/tmp/usr/share/doc: Operation not permitted
chown: debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/ixbiff: Operation not permitted
chown: debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/ixbiff/copyright: Operation not permitted
chown: debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/ixbiff/changelog: Operation not permitted
chown: debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/ixbiff/README: Operation not permitted
chown: debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/ixbiff/TODO: Operation not permitted
chown: debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/ixbiff/ixbiff.html: Operation not permitted
-- Checking for executable binaries in package
DEBIAN/postrm Script
DEBIAN/postinst Script
DEBIAN/prerm Script
etc/init.d/ixbiff Script
-- Compressing/Converting Manpages
-- Compressing Documentation
-- Checking Symlinks
--------------- debstd processing finished --------------

As you can see, it won't add ixbiff.conf as a configuration file. I can't
figure out why it can either (the error messages really suck - can't you
make it more verbose?)

Also, why is chown failing? What's it trying to chown the files to?

Any help would really be appreciated


The structure of my source tree is as follows:

------------< snip <------< snip <------< snip <------------
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/work/ixbiff-0.02b$ find -type d
------------< snip <------< snip <------< snip <------------

and the configuration file is in the src directory. So maybe it can't find
it? Doesn't make any sense though, since with the 3.0.1 control files, it
was found.



Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds.  Biochemistry
is the study of carbon compounds that crawl.
                -- Mike Adams

 Abraham vd Merwe [ZR1BBQ] - Blio Corporation
 P.O. Box 3472, Matieland, Stellenbosch, 7602
 Cell: +27 82 565 4451 Http: http://www.blio.net

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