On Tue, 15 May 2001, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

> On 15-May-2001 Niall Young wrote:
> > I'm creating a bunch of custom task packages, mostly empty
> > with dependencies but a few will need to contain configs
> > and pre-filled debconf entries.
> > 
> > It's not too clear from the NMG and the DDR on how to do
> > this.  I can create empty task packages fine, I'm just not
> > too sure how to insert a bunch of files and not compile
> > a tarball in the process.
> the 'tarball' is the source for the package.  Even an 'empty' package must 
> have
> a source tree containing only the debian/ directory.

Right, but what I'm asking is how to include a handful of
plaintext files with filesystem locations in an otherwise
empty task-* package.  Should I make a custom Makefile or
have I missed a useful dpkg tool to help with this?

Niall Young

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