I'm building a package which is a simple tcl script. No binaries. Do I need to Depends: ${shlibs:Depends} ?
Or is this fine : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/debian/s25manager-0.82]$ less debian/control Source: s25manager Section: main/comm Priority: optional Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 2.0.0) Standards-Version: 3.2.1 Package: s25manager Architecture: all Depends: tcl8.2 Description: Siemens S25 cell phone GUI manager s25manager is a GUI manager for the S25 series (S25, M35, M35i, etc) Siemens cell phones. It backs up and restores phonebooks, upload logos and midi files, etc. -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT [EMAIL PROTECTED]