As Seen On TV Products - Infomercial World
Your Source For Hot New Products Advertised
On TV Infomercials Now serving over 5000 Subscribers!
Vol: 1 No: 1 April 6, 2001 Editor: R.D.(R0n) Leclerc
NOTE: This weekly newsletter is sent only to our faithful
customers! to unsubscribe simply reply to this newsletter
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In This Issue
=> Welcome from the Editor
=> Sponsorship Notice
=> Tip of the week
=> Featured Product of the week
= > Hot New Products Coming OnLine
Welcome From The Editor
Welcome to all of our new subscribers this week. If anybody
has anything that they would like to see in our newsletter
please feel free to pass them along to us. It would be good
exposure for you andthe newsletter.
Sponsorship Notice
Infomercial World, where the world shops for As Seen On Tv
Products on the net. An online store featuring over 160 of
the hottest and most sought after products advertised on TV
infomercials today. They offer secure online shopping and
accept most major credit cards. You can place your order
online 24 hours a day 7 days a week or call the order hot
line Toll Free at 1-888-356-6714!
Tip Of The Week
When you place an order from a 1-800 number on a TV Infomercial
make sure that you write it down along with as much information
about the company sponsoring the product on the Infomercial.
Place this informaton in a safe place. Its next to impossible to
locate these companies once they are off of the TV. Should there
be a problem obtaining theproducts you ordered or disputing
credit card charges later on, protect yourself! KNOW WHO YOU
Featured Product Of The Week => Talk Safe Hands Free Car Phone Kit
Millions of people use their cellular phones while in their car,
driving with one hand and trying to handle thier cell phone. That
can be distracting and very dangerous. Statistics show hand held
cell phone users run a 40% higher risk of being involved in an
Now you can use your cell phone and keep both hands on the wheel
with Talk Safe! It's so easy, simply plug the speaker into your car
lighter attach the universal hands free mount, clip on the clear
sound receiver, slip any brand of cell phone into the Talk Safe
system and your allreadyto go.
With Talk Safe you 're in control! Other hands free devices sell
for as much as $69 and they only work on one type of phone, but
Talk Safe works on them all. Only through this limited time offer
you will receive a convenient privacy earpiece with guaranteed
clear reception on every call.
Order today and receive the complete Talk Safe Hands
Free system for only $29.99 US plus shipping and handling!
Hot new Products Coming OnLine Now
=> Steam Buggy
=> Perfect Omelet
=> Murad Acne Complex
=> AB Dolly 2
=> Jaw Droppers Videos
=> Titanium II Knives
=> Internal Antenna
=> Unbrakeable Autolock Pro
=> Classic Country Collection(4 volume CD set
from 50's to 70's)
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Suggestions And Comments
We certainly hope that you find this newsletter of value
and informative in your shopping efforts! Please if you
have any suggestions, tips or comments send us an E-mail!
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