Hello all, I am packing a program (VisualOS) which I am the author and upstream maintainer (pure debian package?) and I have a couple of problems.
The first problem is that I generate the changelog automaticly from CVS which seams too big and verbose for a debian changelog but I am not suposed to have an upstream changelog in a pure debian package. Should I pretend that it is not a pure debian package and add a "-1" to every version? Currently I have three "Changelogs" NEWS ChangeLog and debian/changelog o ChangeLog: verbose CVS autogenerated. o NEWS: Resume off all changes. o debian/changelog: debian packing related changes. What should I do. ---------8<----------8<-------- The other problem is versioning. The last released version is 1.0.2, would it be ok if I use version 1.0.2.YYYYMMDD and distribute current code? Thanks in advance Manuel -- ------------------------------------------------- Manuel Estrada [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------------------------- God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.