
I have packaged shared libraries in the past but am looking
for some help with this particular one.  I am packaging
version 1.0.0 of dotconf and rather than naming it
libdotconf.so.1 as was done for 0.x (libdotconf.so.0) it's
named libdotconf-1.0.so.0.  Now, I was under the impression
that one named a library libfoo.so.x and incremented x
whenever there was an API change making it binary
incompatable with the previous version.  How would I
package something where the major version is actually
before the .so extention?  How should the package name
change as the API changes?  Can I just modify the source to
call it libdotconf.so.1 and call my package libdotconf1 or
is that not ideal?

Thanks in advance,

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