On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 09:14:03PM -0500, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> As you can see, these changes simply replace references to the university and
> its regents with references to the author of the program.  The terms of the
> license remain the same, and so it is equally free.


> However, it _is_ different, and so you must include a copy of it in the
> copyright file.  For the benefit of the curious, you may want to include a
> short note about how its terms match those of the BSD license.

    Bah.  I was hoping to avoid that conclusion, although I think you are
correct.  :-)  I wonder where we draw the line, however -- if the text is
identical, but the linebreaks different, is that license still "the same"?
Seems like it should be, but perhaps one could argue that the linebreaks
have some meaning.



+---           (Rene Weber is <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)          ---+
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