> I maintain the xtide package.  Currently, it's not a pristine
> package: I add harmonics data to the package that are otherwise
> downloaded manually from the author's web site (it was packaged
> this way when I adopted it).  Since the xtide software itself and
> the harmonics data are updated independently by the author, I
> want to split off the package into the software and a supporting
> data package.  This will allow:
splitting seems useful given your situation

> 2- Create `xtide' and `xtide-data' with xtide _depending_ on
>    xtide-data.
>    Advantages:  
>     - Casual user might do `apt-get install xtide', try it and
>       see a working package.
>    Disavantages:
>     - Users that want to download data separately would have a
>       problem.
>     - Users that want to install xtide-data and trim it down (as
>       described above) could not purge the package, but would
>       need to put the package on hold instead.

if the program needs this data to run, a depends make sense.  As you said, they
can put it on hold and thus only get hit with a large download every now and

Your other option is to create a small subset of the data and include it in the
main package and let the rest be in the -data package.  This way they can at
least sample the package.

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