hello! If someone would take the time to give these packages a quick check-over and upload them (I'm in NM queue, etc.), I would be much obliged.
they're accessible through: deb http://finbar.dyndns.org/~tgs/debian/ unstable main deb-src http://finbar.dyndns.org/~tgs/debian/ unstable main ** fuzz - test programs by feeding them random input fuzz is a test application which generates random data and feeds it to a program through standard input and argv. ** cgiemail - CGI Form-to-Mail converter cgiemail is a cgi application to nicely format form input, and then mail it. thank you for your help! -- Thomas Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://finbar.dyndns.org/ gpg key id 1024D/ACABA81E, fingerprint: 3A47 CFA5 0E5D CF4A 5B22 12D3 FF1B 84FE ACAB A81E
Description: PGP signature