If this is covered in policy/packaging manual/developers reference please
point me to the relevant section.
Section 10 in the developer's reference doesn't really answer my question.


I know you're not (unless w/permission, submitter, or maintainer, etc)
supposed to close bugs.. but what about things like changing subjects..
merging.. changing severity levels..

For the maintainer/developer, I guess informal policy is something to the
effect of.. as long as it's 'proper' etc.. for example Josip Rodin cleans up
a lot of bugs, merging.. changing subjects etc.. so clearly it is (and should
be) going on.. anyway my question is how does this work for people who are not
official developers, is it ok if they do things like merge bugs? 

I ask, because I have a bit of spare time, and going over the BTS is one thing
that can be helpful, cleaning it up etc, but I'm not an offical dd'er, not yet
at least - I am in NM.

just looking for some sort of guidelines here.

- brian.

Brian Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GPG ID: 54D81666
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