On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 04:53:35PM +0100, Toni Mueller wrote: > > <SPAM ON> > I too think that the spam level is annoyingly high. If anyone > really feels able to do it and also wants to do it (ie, someone > who has access to the list server(s)), then I'll dig out a list > of measures that I find is effective in cutting down on spam. > </SPAM OFF> >
We already have measures in place that work pretty well. Believe me, if it wasn't for that the spam level would be ten times as high. So sit back, relax and just ignore it, or go after the spammers. There is no way we are going to implement anything that makes it harder for discussions to take place. Ben -- -----------=======-=-======-=========-----------=====------------=-=------ / Ben Collins -- ...on that fantastic voyage... -- Debian GNU/Linux \ ` [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ' `---=========------=======-------------=-=-----=-===-======-------=--=---'