
I'm an applicant in the "new maintainers" queue and want to "adopt"
xmorph which is in the WNPP and being maintained by the debian-qa group since
5 Aug.

A sponsor would be very wellcomed.
    Package: xmorph

    Digital image warper

Xmorph loads, saves, warps, and dissolves images, and loads, saves, creates,
and manipulates control meshes which determine the warping.  The technique was
invented and first used by Industrial Light and Magic, and is commonly called

Xmorph uses the Targa image format exclusively.  Other software is needed to
convert to other image formats or to movies.  (Due to a bug, Xmorph's images
are unreadable by John Bradley's XV.)

Luis Arocha Hernandez "Data" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Islas Canarias - Spain
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