Ok, thanks, people, for your help.

The deb package seems to be fixed in terms of the firewall init.d script and it's removal and install behaviour, but I can't seem to get file permissions working!

I have the following lines in my debian/rules file:


install: build
        dh_clean -k

        install --mode=700 --owner=root rc.firewall debian/rcf/usr/sbin



I have read the install manual page, which is where I found the --mode and --owner options, but they don't seem to be working, as I still get this when I install the debian package (it runs the firewall init.d script afterwards):

Performing Security Checks...

The owners and/or permissions for /usr/sbin/rc.firewall are incorrect.
Please execute the following commands:
        chmod 0700 /usr/sbin/rc.firewall
        chown root:root /usr/sbin/rc.firewall

These problems must be addressed before running rc.firewall again.


Can anyone give some advice as to why this might not be working?


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