Hi! I have a create a perlscript to check hosts and services on it.. it uses configfiles and is not Debian specific. It installs in /usr/local and the config files are preset to look there too.. I've put it in my CVS repos. yesterday, but I want to package this also and put the 'debian'-dir in cvs module too... but should I do a s/\/usr\/local/\/usr/ or something on those configfiles in the rules or... what is the best way I should do this...
Secondly, when I change those configfiles by hand and build a package, I get lintian warnings.. how can I resolve these? W: checkservice: perl-script-uses-unknown-module ./usr/lib/checkservice/check/ldap.plugin use Net::LDAP Should be correct, I used: Depends: perl5, libnet-perl, libdbi-perl, libnet-ldap-perl, libnet-telnet-perl, mailtools, libdbd-mysql-perl, libdbd-pg-perl W: checkservice: script-not-executable ./usr/lib/checkservice/check/template.plugin I included a template plugin that is not executable so checkservice doesn't detected it or it can be used but lintian doesn't seem to like it. When I upload it in this state... does it get rejected? Paul van Tilburg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Student @ Eindhoven | ICQ: 8678828 University of Technology, The Netherlands | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>> Using the Power of Debian GNU/Linux <<< | GPG: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]