Hi to all,
        I'm going to become a debian-maintainer but the  DAM Phone Contact is 
very very late (2000/06/16). I've packaged my own software: a litte program 
which can sniff data from RS232 serial with various parameters and put data 
on stdout.
        There anyone who can maintain it until I'll become maintainer at all
Thank you for all
Maurizio Boriani
General Services (InterNetWorking Staff)
20138 Milano - Via Mecenate 76/3 - Italy
Tel. 02/509081 - Fax 02/50908080 - E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key: 0xCC0FBF8F
fingerprint => E429 A37C 5259 763C 9DEE  FC8B 5D61 C796 CC0F BF8F <= 

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