I want to discribe in short what kind of problem came up when I was thinking about packaging asc. I have already asked if theres is anybody else doing that task at debian-devel.
So my problem is now that in the source tree of asc is a subdirectory containing poligon triangulization code. asc makes use of this code for displaying 3d-objects. That triangulization code was written by someone else who is not upstream. There is no license accompaning the code. Upstream did write a note where he got that code from but nothing more. My question now is what should I do with that piece of code? Do I have to rewrite it to make it legal in the sense of the debian policy, so that the package is able to go into main? Maybe I it is possible for me to get in contain with the author of the code. Then I might be able to ask him to put that code under a DSFG compliant license. But what should I do when it is not possible for me to accomplish that task? Thanx in advance for beeing patient and answering my questions. -- kind regards, Michael Moerz